About us
Our Mission
To achieve our organizational purpose the AASC Historic Commission, Inc. efforts will include the following:
· Protect and preserve the existing characteristics of African American Settlement Communities and enhance the quality of life for current and future generations of residents of the African American Settlement Communities.
· Nurture and support a strong sense of community, identity, history, and economic development both within the African American Settlement Communities and the larger region, including the Gullah Geechee Corridor.
· Support the traditions of land ownership, which have connected families with their land for many generations, and provide the various resources that will allow harmonious growth, including land use regulations that are consistent and compatible with the existing characteristics of the individual African American Settlement Communities.
Our Board
President – Freddie Jenkins
Vice President – Ed Lee
Secretary - Christian LeBlanc
Treasurer – Cheryl German
Freddie Jenkins - President
Freddie Jenkins’ family was from Cainhoy, where he was born, but after his family’s house burned down, moved to Snowden. He attended Jenny Moore Elementary and Laing High School, spent 3 years in Germany with the Army, and 23 years with the Army Reserve in Charleston. Then he worked at the Naval Shipyard as a production shop planner in the nuclear tool rooms. Freddie is now an independent contractor in the construction industry. When he is off work duty, he enjoys going to gym, karate, shopping and volunteering with the Masonic Lodge. He has been a member of the Snowden Civic Association since the early ‘80’s, and is currently the President. He is very active with the Long Point Baptist Church where he sits on the Board of Deacons, runs the Christian education department., and is the Treasurer on Board of Finance. He is the AASC liaison with Mount Pleasant Waterworks and is working very hard to get more sewer service to the Snowden Mt. Pleasant residents.
Ed Lee – Vice President/Economic Development
Ed is a native of the Scanlonville Community in Mt. Pleasant. He can still remember the days when Louis Armstrong, Count Basie, Duke Ellington, Ivory Joe Hunter, and B.B. King performed at their Riverside Beach Pavillion. He graduated from Bishop England High School and North Carolina A&T State University with a BS in Architectural Engineering. He has held management positions with the Charleston Naval Shipyard, Marine Corps Construction and is currently a Construction Project Manager in the Facilities Department of Charleston County. He has been an adjunct Professor at Trident Technical College as well as been an active member of his Community with previous appointments such as being a member of the Mt. Pleasant Planning Commission, Historical Commission, a member of Tri-County Economic Development Committee, development of the Ten Mile to Awendaw Plan, and has been President of the East Cooper Civic Club for 10 years. He was awarded “Who’s Who of Young Americans” in 1993,1997 and 1998. When he’s not working or volunteering, he enjoys running, riding his bike, building and tuning race engines and reading – particularly history, scientific and technical writings.
Christian LeBlanc - Secretary/Public Relations
Christian is a native of Greenville, South Carolina. He came to College of Charleston in 2008 and graduated in 2012 with a Communications Degree. He currently runs his own digital marketing company, Christian LeBlanc Media, in Charleston.
Cheryl German - Community Outreach - Treasurer
Cheryl was born and raised in the Old Village of Mt. Pleasant, SC. The second oldest of seven. Attended Moultrie High and the College of Charleston with studies in business admin. A self-taught jewelry designer and currently operates a home-base business. She currently works as the Executive Director for the Old Village Community Association, Inc.
She is single, has two adult children and three grandkids.
She has experiences as an Imports Customer Service, Assembly Operator, Bookkeeping, Cashier, Payroll, Softball & Basketball Recreational Coach, Statistician & Scorekeeper for community and college sports.
She co-established and operated the Old Village Roundball Classic League & Association in 1996.
A member of the Charleston Metropolitan Church of Christ and serves on the congregation’s ministries: People Serving People, Hospitality, Praise Team Acapella Choral Group, the National Urban Ministry and Racial Unity Leadership Summit Committees.
Co-organizer of the 1st Afro American Society at the College of Charleston, Lay Person of the Year 2001 at the SC Recreation and Parks Association-Ethnic Minority Branch. She has received several sports awards during high school and college. Participated and ranked in Miss Black Charleston and Miss Afro American Society Pageants in 1975.
In her spare time, she enjoys sports, music, jewelry and crafting, teaching youth jewelry making, crafting skills and sports training. She loves gardening, writing, Black history researching and family. She believes if one wants to see a change, one must be willing to help make a change.
At Large - Richard Habersham
Honorary Posthumous - Thomasena Stokes-Marshall
2021-2022 Plan
As the population increases within the Tri-county area, we are witnessing the demise of the special character of African American Settlement Communities. These communities are an important part of the social and cultural history of the area. Due to this unprecedented growth pressure in these communities the African American Settlement Communities (AASC) Historic Commission, Inc. was formed. The cities of Charleston County and Berkeley County have comprehensive land use plans and ordinances that mention the preservation of cultural resources. One resource that is not always addressed and or challenged is the settlement communities because they do not have legal binding ordinances or community benefit agreements that protect them.
The African American Settlement Communities are an important part of the history of this area and in some cases date back to Reconstruction. In light of the unprecedented growth in the region the AASC Historic Commission, Inc. wants to address and find solutions while working with all local government agencies to counter the demise of the African American Settlement Communities in the Tri-County area.
To achieve our organizational purpose the AASC Historic Commission, Inc. efforts include the following:
Protect and preserve the existing characteristics of African American Settlement Communities and enhance the quality of life for current and future generations of residents of the African American Settlement Communities.Nurture and support a strong sense of community, identity, history and economic development both within the African American Settlement Communities and the larger region, to include the Gullah Geechee Corridor.
The Board of Directors of the AASC Historic Commission, Inc is guided by the following values. These values describe our organization, as we want it to be.
Access - The AASC Historic Commission, Inc. will promote and provide the widest access, required by law, to our records.
Accountability - Documenting organizational activities and decision making, the AASC Historic Commission, Inc. provides an important means of ensuring accountability.
Advocacy - The AASC Historic Commission, Inc. will serve as advocates to the communities we serve. We will also advocate for the application of fair treatment of these communities in a variety of settings to the extent consistent with our organizational responsibilities as a 501(c)3 organization, and in the political arena.
Professionalism - The AASC Historic Commission Board will adhere to the mission and values adopted by the organization, collaborate with local government, municipalities, community leaders and professional organizations in the execution of its mission. The Board will also strive for excellence in its daily activities and recognize the importance of professional development.